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X-ray Galaxy Groups Catalogs

The individual has experience working with two catalogs of galaxy groups, the COSMOS 2019 X-ray galaxy groups catalog and the XMM-LSS and CFHTLS X-ray galaxy groups catalog.

  • The COSMOS 2019 catalog contains details of the groups and clusters detection, which have been presented by Gozaliasl et al. (2019). The individual has also identified 78 groups using Chandra extended X-ray sources that have not been published yet, and the data is available. Additionally, group members and the brightest group/cluster galaxies (BCGs/BGGs) catalogs can also be determined upon request.

  • The XMM-LSS-CFHTLS X-ray galaxy Groups catalog includes 129 X-ray galaxy groups. The full details of the group's identification can be found in Gozaliasl et al. (2014a), and the full catalog is presented in Table 1. The availability of these catalogs can be useful for researchers working in the field of astrophysics, galaxy evolution, and cosmology.

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